
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interview Time!

I've got a telephone inteview with a church. 

I'm praying that I will hear what I am supposed to hear & say what I am supposed to say and not what I want to hear or say. Does that make any sense?

I know how I'm supposed to act, feel and know the standard "trust in the Lord and let Him lead and guide" answers, but I really want to hear and say what is real and truthful. I'm looking for what is right and real.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


   Haven't posted in a while so I thought I would give an update on my thoughts...

   I'm having a running conversation with the Lord regarding employment, what it means to be in ministry and my identity as it relates to those.

   After 28 years of being a “professional, paid minister” while preaching and teaching that everyone is a minister (that whole “Priesthood of All Believers” deal) I’m finding it hard to accept that it just might be the Lord’s will that I earn my keep doing something that is not specifically in paid ministry, while remaining in ministry in a totally different way. That is what some would call bi-vocational ministry.

   I have said for MANY years that I believe that the only way for many churches in small and not so small communities to survive is to have a pastor who is bi-vocational. Of course, that is the pattern that we see in the New Testament.

   Perhaps, the Lord is leading me to model what I have taught. What do you think? Let me know!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Dell Mini...

I'm trying to get used to my Dell Mini netbook. Got tired of lugging my notebook around. It wasn't that heavy or bulky especially when I remember my first "portable" computer with dual floppys and 512k ram during grad school. I hauled it back and forth to California. Thought I was really "high" tech. It weighed close to 20lbs...

The new Dell Mini netbook weighs maybe 2lbs with a 120+ gig hard drive and a gig of ram and was less than $300! Amazing!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter IS a big deal down here!

   After a really inspiring Easter worship service this morning, the love of my life and I weren't ready for lunch, so we headed over to the Barnes and Noble to find a cd she wanted.  I also wanted to go by the mall and check out the Apple Store to see if she could discover a way to extend her battery life on her I-phone.

   Barnes and Noble didn't have what she wanted, so I asked a young lady looking in the same section if the mall might have another music store in it. She said she didn't know but added, "The mall is closed. I guess Easter is a big deal down here."   Wish I could report that we had a deep and meaningful conversation resulting in her accepting Christ and being baptized in one of the fountains, but it didn't. Perhaps it will give her pause and think about what Easter means.

   The truth is that Easter is a big deal.  In fact, it is the only really big deal that matters. Resurrection (Easter) Sunday is the day that makes all other days have meaning and purpose.  1st Corinthians 15:58 tells us that our labor is not in vain.  That nothing done for the Lord will be lost, wasted or pointless!

   How's that for a resurrection message!!


About Me

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Odessa, Texas, United States
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Christian, Minister, One of the Good Guys!