
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


     If you attend a worship service at Bethany Christian Church - Odessa, you will notice that on the front of our worship bulletins where we list the date of the service, we also include the date of the “Church” year. Many congregations do the same.

     Ever wonder why? Let me tell you…

     For a number of years, we have followed the “Revised Common Lectionary” as a guide and uniform approach to worship. The Lectionary is a 3 year cycle of Scripture readings that is used by many denominations. There are Scripture readings for each week and covers 80% of the Bible every three years. Each week includes a reading from the Old Testament, one of the Poetical books, the Gospels and the Epistles, the New Testament letters.

     We generally use one of the passages as our Call to Worship / Responsive Reading, another as our Scripture reading for the week and another (generally the Gospel) as the text for the sermon. Preaching from the lectionary is useful because it allows for a systematic study through a specific book from the Bible. It also prevents the passing over or ignoring passages that are difficult to understand and hard to teach. On occasion, pastors may set aside the Lectionary to preach on a special theme or timely topic, but overall many find it to be a good disciplined approach to preaching.

   What do you think? Let me know.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Home alone!

Going to be "home alone" this weekend as S & A are going to Tucumcari to work on the in-laws stuff...

Anyone want to hang with the Revelvis this weekend? or have breakfast in the morning?

Actually, I have reading to do and football to watch, but I'm available!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I still like the Big 8!

Congrats to Turner Gill, whose KU team made a nice recovery and knocked G-Tech off for his first win at KU... I still like those Big 8 schools! Settling in to watch OU vs FSU...

Hope OU takes it to them big time! Not happy with the way Bobby B was treated... kinda like when J Jones pushed Tom (the only coach the Dallas Cowboys will ever have!) Landry! Guess I should get over it, but still...

Friday, September 10, 2010

The transition from the dark side has begun!

Ok, I'm done with my Blackberry... the final straw came when I could not carry on a 5 minute conversation with my secretary with a full battery! It just decided to shut itself down!

I have begun the transition from the dark side! Have ordered a 16 gig I-Phone 4... Don't know when it will arrive, but it can't get here too soon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A major accomplishment!

I purchased a skill saw and sawed off a quarter of an inch off the bottom of a door that was hanging... That may not sound like a big deal to most, but for Rev. Elvis it is a HUGE accomplishment!!

I should have listened and watched my dad closer when I was a kid as he was trying his best to teach me how to do stuff....

Ah, the lessons we should have learned!!


About Me

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Odessa, Texas, United States
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Christian, Minister, One of the Good Guys!