
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Equifax does the straw thing!

If you write a check at a business that uses Equifax to clear their checks, be aware that if Equifax does not like your check writing history, they can reject it and leave you looking like a deadbeat!

I was in the market for a larger, flat screen television and wanting to make Dave Ramsey happy and not buy retail, I went to a local pawn shop and found just what I was looking for at about half the cost! I wrote a check. The clerk ran it through their system and it was REJECTED!  The code the clerk received stated that it was not rejected for insufficient funds, but because my check writing patten was not consistent with the Equifax "model."

I called my Credit Union, which told me that Equifax sometimes does this and to call them.  I called them and after finally getting to talk to a person, had my identity and bank balance verified. I was then told that they could not (would not?) override the computer.  I then asked to speak with a supervisor who told me the same thing!

Thus Equifax became the sole decision maker whether I could write a check at a business of my choosing to purchase a product of my choosing!

Equifax is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission who will be hearing from me in the very near future!

1 comment:

  1. Rev. Elvis,
    It is time to make this right...and you are more than the man for the job! On the other hand, I can think of many other, more obvious reasons for such a rejection...hmmmm.
    Rev. Susan



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Odessa, Texas, United States
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Christian, Minister, One of the Good Guys!