
Monday, March 8, 2010

Church Dysfunction

H. B. London of Focus on the Family writes in today's Shepherd's Covenant Encourager:

I had an opportunity recently to see what some of you do "up close and personal." I spent time with a pastor of a dysfunctional church. The chances that he will survive there are slim.

It was my privilege to stand alongside this pastor in helping to lead his congregation back to unity and into a deeper walk with the Lord. Only time will tell if our mission, assisted by the Holy Spirit, will be successful.

I had a pastor say one time, "If I was not the pastor of this church, I know for sure I wouldn't attend it." The truth is there are a lot of clergypersons out there who would echo that pastor's sentiments. Question: What are we going to do to turn that trend around?

Some say it will take a revival. Can you define revival? For me, revival is the Body of Christ in renewed obedience to the will of God.

Others say we need to change the church's polity (government). In other words, let the pastor's fate be in the hands of fewer people rather than a whole congregation.

Still, there are some who say the problem in the church today is that we have a tendency to mirror society rather than society mirroring the church. I do know that our consumer-driven society does carry over to the church.

I hear from my colleagues who say that, in a small-to-medium-size church, you will always be dealing with the power structure — and, most of the time, that base is resistant to change. And most of the churches in America are small-to-medium in size.

So what is the answer? I am no expert on this, but after reading Paul's first and second letters to the Thessalonians, I am convinced that the Body of Christ must respect its clergy, live in peace with one another, feed the flock of God, avoid evil, be joyous, and be careful not to put out the Spirit's fire (quench His workings).

I challenge you to reread the Thessalonian letters, and then feed that truth to your people. It can't help but make a difference. And, as the Apostle Paul would say, "Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you" (2 Thess. 3:16).

Thanks H. B. for the message and the encouragement!

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Odessa, Texas, United States
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Christian, Minister, One of the Good Guys!