
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Notice to my friends


Just a note to fill you in on some changes taking place in our lives. If you are one of my “Facebook” friends or following me on “Twitter” you probably know about this, but I have haven’t sent out anything to those I consider friends and whom I know will support us in prayer. I’ll do my best to give you the abbreviated version.

We’ve had a situation with our church that we have been dealing with for some time. I felt that we were getting past it and felt confident that it was handled in a proper way. Apparently it wasn’t. It originates back a couple of years ago when I proposed beginning a new educational program for the church and took my sabbatical. Apparently, the power brokers in the church really didn’t think too highly of those proposals (even though they approved them!) and were waiting their time to get even.

Not to go into many of the specifics, there was a secret, invitation only meeting to discuss me and ask our leadership to discuss my future with the church in El Campo. As a result, I have resigned and am in the search and call process of for our denomination. I have taken a part-time job with our local mental health provider doing public relations and counseling. There is a possibility that I might be able to teach at our local Junior College in their Continuing – Basic Education department.

I have met with our Area Minister and he is very encouraging about us being able to make a move that will be to our advantage. The reality is that I have been well below average in salary and benefits for some time now. I have stayed here because of my commitment to working with small, struggling churches. While that may be a noble cause, it hasn’t been good in regards to retirement and especially the goal of being able to purchase a home of our own. So we are hopeful that the Lord will lead us to something and someplace really special.

We ask for your prayers for us. We would also ask for prayer for the church. They have had close to 50 different pastors in their 106 year old history and I had been there almost 13 years! We didn’t know that until we began compiling the history of the church for the centennial celebration. We honestly thought that had broken the revolving door! Apparently not.

We will keep you informed as to how the Lord is leading us!


Rev. Elvis

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About Me

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Odessa, Texas, United States
Husband, Father, Grandfather, Christian, Minister, One of the Good Guys!